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Thank You 2018.

Thank you for the promising new job.

Thank you for the financial security.

Thank you for the reminder why I love the theater.

Thank you for taking me to Copland’s America.

Thank you for taking me to Holmes’ London again.

Thank you for the tears and the yawns in the long travels to Whidbey Island.

Thank you for the realization that I live in the perfect place for me.

Thank you for the beautiful new desktop computer.

Thank you for the hours spent downloading all my software.

Thank you for the perfect laptop computer.

Thank you for the new apple watch.

Thank you for the travels to San Francisco, California.

…to the University of Alabama.

…to Orlando, Florida.

…to Los Angeles, California.

…to Anaheim, California.

…to Roseburg, Oregon.

…to Long Beach, Washington.

Thank you for honing my marketing skills.

Thank you for teaching me how to work from home much more effectively.

Thank you for showing me that I am capable of so much when I work for myself.

Thank you for showing me the importance of discipline and routine.

Thank you for the hundreds of To-Do Lists and reminders.

Thank you for every beginning and every ending.

Thank you for every conversation and every argument that brought us closer together.

Thank you for pushing me to experience of what being a warrior can be.

Thank you for the reality check.

Thank you for showing me what it’s going to take to “get there”.

Thank you for every sunrise.

Thank you for every walk with Torry by the beach.

Thank you for every sore muscle.

Thank you for every sugar craving.

Thank you for every pound and inch that I lost.

Thank you for every stressful day.

Thank you for every joyful moment,

Thank you for unveiling mysteries.

Thank you for giving back my freedom I longed for.

2019 - it’s time to re-define my purpose and show the world the light inside of me.

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